Thursday, October 9, 2014

Basic Pizza Crust

Flour (1.5c)
Warm water (3/4c)
Salt (1tsp)
Oil (1/4c)
Yeast (1 tsp)
Baking powder (1tsp)

Preheat oven to 475

(I just guessed the measurements for a personal pizza, multiply by how many you need to feed, but if it's more than two, divide the dough up to make multiple pizzas.)

I don't even measure for this recipe any more. I just pour as much flour as I think I'll need into a bowl and push the flour to the edges of the bowl so I have a flour bowl. Then I fill it half with warm water, add the oil and sprinkle in some salt, yeast and baking powder. Mix it up, then let sit ( or not if you're hungry! ). I just let it sit as long as it takes to prep my toppings ( I'll post an easy pizza sauce recipe some time). Knead the dough and incorporate more flour until it's not sticky and then roll it out. This makes a great thin or think crust, so roll it to where you like it. Add whatever deliciousness you want and cook for 15-20min or until the edges are toasty. 

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